Nokia Football Crazy. It's me on TVVVV !
Last week, I got a notice from my supporters club (of course it's gonna be manutd) chairman saying "Weiyi, you're norminated to represent Manutdsg as manutd crazy in singapore" Hehe couldnt believe for the first time, but hell yeah I'm representing my favourite supporters club in Singapore.
I did 2 days of deco and came up with something really incredible. It's really fantastic when I review the pictures. Starsports came down to my house on tuesday evening for an interview, it was really an experience working with the ESPNstar production team, got my tongue tied for the first few trials but I got used to it in the end. :D
Here are some random pictures of my room after deco, DON'T BLINK !
There you go, I'm featured on Nokia Football Crazy on September 13th 2007. It's another chapter of my life, definitely.. From decorating my room to shooting, it's truely an experience working with ESPNstar productions. Thanks Ash and Jullian, you guys are great bro. I'll remember this always "Come on son, you can do it" It's really encouraging.