Slacking week..
This week is my 2nd last week of school and after next week will be my 4 weeks vacation. I hope I'm able to find a part-time job by end of next week so to keep myself occupied during my vacation. I slacked my ass through this week though there's still 2 more UTs coming up. Late for all 5 days and one of the day I skip school. LOL Late but attendance was present instead of partial.. That's the best part.. The day I skipped was having applied chemistry and it's lab session so I intend to skip cause we are required to do a individual lab report.. Lazy to do ya so I skip hehe.. anyway we are learning the same thing and it is just practical -_-" on Spectophotometer.. We used in almost all wet lab sessions, we know how to operated and stuff so no harm skipping this lesson.. hehe..
On that day itself, I woke up @ 1+ and my buddies called me.. As usual, they all skip school as well so they asked me out.. We went out the whole day slacking at bugis, sim lim square and there's this coffeeshop just below sim lim square, we chit chatted till 10pm..
This is a picture of Alvin (right) and me taken on that day..

Yesterday I was late for school too, on the train I saw Wei Jun and Wei Zhen on their way to school.. Actually I din notice until Wei Jun pulled my bag, I turned over and I saw them.. LOL Sian lah see them, early morning spoil my day.. LOL kidding !! HAHA.. I was released @ 11.30am and that's the earliest in my life studying @ RP.. Week is coming to an end, monday I gonna have my last pharmaco UT and Tuesday will be my last UT for the semester BIOCHEMISTRY.. I must do well for these 2 UTs.. Anyway I'm gonna chiong later, meeting YX @ mac to study.. I ciao first.. =) STUDY FIRST SOCCER LATER !!!