Back from Bangkok..
Broke, Gratifying, Fruitful, Tired are the words to describe this trip with "The Team REDBULL" Hehe.. Spent alot but with no regrets, 4 days non-stop shopping, walking, sweating, massaging and eating. WOW simply shiok-ness. We can never do the same thing in Singapore. The lives of singaporean living in Bangkok = King's life. Had lots of fun with "the EIGHT" though there are some cock ups in between. Cock ups as in when 8 of us are doing shopping we are kinda wasting a lot of time cause some of them are really awww slow.
Now after the bangkok, I have no excuse to say I do not have enough T-shirts. I bought at least 20 Tees, 1 demin jacket, 2 berms and 1 jeans, others are just miscellanous. We were lucky enough because bangkok was having their mid year sale as well. OMG, shopping in bangkok, seriously you wont have a 2nd thought. Anything which caught your eye, you will just buy it home. =D Below are just some of my favourite stuff bought from bangkok.

Playboy tee @ 50%, you won't get that kinda discount in Singapore.

I LOVE this tee alot, I think it suits me well.

I'm lucky to spot a Manutd store in Bangkok's Central Plaza

SASCH Demin Jacket

ZARA Jeans

Clubbing Tee, LOVE IT !
Some shots while having fun in Bangkok ! Unfortunately I cant upload and post those funny clips we took in the hotel rooms. Haha the thoughts of it just makes me laughing non-stop.

Spot and Name each of us, we got one freelance artist on the streets of suan lum market to pen down our faces.

Hehe the other 4 !

Spot the artist, doesnt he resembles deathnote's L?

At the ground level of Thailand's tallest hotel (Baiyoke Sky Hotel) 84th floor.

Amazing Hot-aired balloon ! Hehe =D

It's seriously moving and orbiting at the top ! WE ARE AT THE TOP OF BANGKOK !

Enjoying scenery at the 83th floor with virgin colada, THE LOUNGE !
These pictures kinda sum up all the fun and memories we had in bangkok before entering army. There are more pictures to put up, will do it if I have the time. Do NOTHING but shopping in Bangkok, it's hell damn shiok.
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