It's was a flawless plan afterall, suggested by rich, planned by rich, me and daryl, carried out by EVERYONE. =DD It's truely priceless to see that expression on yx's face. WOOO *SNAP SHOT* caught for life, this will seriously be a memorable one yx, I bet you 10 years down the road, we will still be discussing on this issue. Just like that keith "slipped and fall* It's 8 years already and we are still laughing about it.
Btw yx, hope you like the belt me and rich bought for you. It's simply the best gift to present u with cause I noticed you don't have a nice belt. LOL ! Hey look, how observant I am, touched rite? DUN BE ! LOL and stop telling me you like the belt.. cause I chose it, my taste is always the best. *oppsy daisy to you* Luckily didnt get a wallet for you.

Picture took @ dbl O dance floor, on the PODIUM ! YEAH ! We are the DANCING QUEENS!

O bar ! LOL. Surprisingly, very little MATS reign that area. Quite a nice experience clubbing @ O bar. I'm sorry yx, didnt stay @ dbl O for long cause we really didnt know how to dance to it though the music is nice. Everyone was so synchronize except us. Haha Hip hop, R&B is the genre man ! Anyway, while I was dancing in O bar, I did my moonwalk and arm ripple, there's this african american came up tapping on my shoulder and say "WOOOO that's nice" with a "GOOD" gesture. I bet he wants and more so I did more cause was quite high at that moment. Seriously O bar is a better place to dance and drink. Phuture is body contact dancing. arghhh if there isnt many mat there, I would consider patronise there more often. =DD C DANCE AND I FUCKING CAN ! MUAHAHA ! OWNED !

In front of bar, after tequila shots. =DD Look @ the 3 asses, they always have something in their mind and no one can figure out wat is it. I'm speaking the truth.
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