This picture was taken on 2nd Feb 07 "A Potluck Session" for Cell Cycle & Oncology. We had pizza, KFC, yu sheng (provided by our faci), finger food and some chips. It's so fun and we had a photo taking session =D Just love this class man.

School of Applied Sciences (SAS) Graduation High Tea Reception ! Woo a event for the graduating science students to click and enjoy. The food wasnt bad instead it was quite nice, ambience is awesome, not forgeting the photos we took. This event was organized by our juniors from chiron club =D Thanks anyway =) Enjoyed myself truely.

Just SMILE !!! =D A class photo we took at the graduation photo-taking booth. This picture will be published in the graduation book and video =D *Cheers* I guess everyone in my class are "QUITE" photogenic or simply vain ! Muahaha but we love it ! Well, ADBMS stands for ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES and W36L is a class where all the smart and hardworking students reside. Hehe ! Monash Uni, HERE WE COME !

WoW ! Look at this =D Class 3 license officially obtained on 6th feb 07. I did it with only 1 attempt with 12 dermerit points. Luckily I passed it so I don't have to waste money retaking the TP. SO GAY yesterday for the whole day, well gay means happy =), so damn hyperactive. Now that I can drive, I will not be squeezing on Buses and MRT. However that only applies if my dad is not using the car. =( I'm kinda lucky though cause my route is kinda simple and the tester was "QUITE" lenient. Well, it also depends on my skills right? hehehe. All thanks to the blessings I have from everywhere and every gods LOL !
Weiyi signed off.
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