Nothing but pictures hehe..
I took these pictures with my free camera HP photosmart R607 LOL.. Not bad lah the quality but my blog table border cannot put big pictures so I resized them into smaller ones.. I dont think this camera is selling anywhere in the market..

This is the scenary from my house.. hehe.. Damn nice rite? That's the reason why weijun likes my house.. LOL.. Everytime he comes to my house, he'll stand near the window and enjoy the scenary rite weijun?

This is a full zoomed-in of my camera.. 3x Optical zoom + 7x digital zoom.. From my house to the 3 a.k.a cigarettes.. Not bad lah.. for a free camera who good u want it to be.. hehe.. Be happy for what I've/You've got..

Looking at this badge, I cant believe I'm once a monitor in my life.. Even I'm monitor I do nothing.. LOL so wat's the difference.. All thanks to my friends, sabo me.. I still remember it was sec 3 when Tan k.k is our class mentor.. ALL voted me to be a monitor.. NA BEI THEN TAN K.K ASK ME TO PUT ON THE BADGE SIA.. Every teachers were damn shocked when they saw me with the badge.. FCUK lor I did a good job hor by pushing everything to wendy.. LOLOL but I got help her also lah.. PE lessons have to report strengths NABEI peter lim sia suay me.. I dun know how many times I've to report to him sia.. Mr lai is another teacher who suan me like hell lor "Wah people monitor" but at least he still better than that peter lim lor.. play me.. chee bye.. EVERYONE WAS SHOCKED I WAS THE MONITOR LAH.. Monitor damn jia lat lor have to collect the books for my friends then anything I must pass the msg to everyone in the class.. THINK I so free mehz.. LOL.. Aiya afterall I am once a monitor and I'm proud of it.. LOL as if.. I needa go han house play mahjong liao.. I've become a freak mahjong liao.. Playing till morning I guess HAHAHHA.. Siamzzz...
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